I started out by just going to the Davis Catalyst Center's construction pathway, which only one semester of. That gave me the opportunity to work at Wadman as an intern. At first, I was hesitant about it, but then I happily accepted it. Not only did this provide me a way to get a construction job easier, but it was also going to give me great working experience for the future. I was and am excited about the internship; I am enjoying every second of it even though parts involve cleaning, which, if you know me well, you know I hate cleaning. At the Davis Catalyst Center, I was constantly building tiny houses, working with my co-workers/classmates, and having fun. I think with the internship, I was expecting more of a formal work environment, which definitely happened, and I also expected to do more building, which barely happened. I was warned about this by my construction teacher, Jeremiah Allen, and my parents, both saying that I would have to start from the ground up. Which I did, starting with sweeping and water removal.
At some point I started working with Carson Lowe, the carpenter and fellow co-worker from Wadman. We work together to make sure the contractors are doing their thing and to make sure that everything is in order. I got to do a little carpentry and learn I have been following Carson around, learning everything about his job. I have learned a lot from Wadman, from just improving my carpentry skills, but also to learning all about the sewer system and how they add onto it with the production of new buildings and houses. I am really happy with how it is going and I can't wait for the rest of the year!